ChatGPT Vs Bard: Exploring the Differences in 2024

ChatGPT and Bard are the most trending AI tools that are getting the most buzz, and organizations want to know which one is best for their business. Bard and Google have changed the way we interact with text. Many individuals like content creators, and coders are using AI to improve their work quality and productivity. ChatGPT vs Bard both share some key similarities and some differences based on the way they utilize natural language processing for generating human-like responses. Both models can provide answers to a variety of questions. In this post we will explore the key differences between ChatGPT and Bard, exploring their strengths to enhance customer experiences.
ChatGPT Bard


Language Model
Free: GPT-3.5

Paid: GPT-4
Pathways Language Model (PaLM 2)
Data Sources
ChatGPT is trained on a massive dataset pulled from sources like Wikipedia, books, articles, documents, and news articles from pre-September 2021.
Bard is also trained in Infiniset, a data set including Wikipedia, Documents, and conversations.


ChatGPT is free for users but the upgraded version (GPT-4) costs 20$/month
Free for all users
Signing In
Sign-up can be done using any email address. No need to join the waitlist
A Google account is required to sign up and join the waitlist.
ChatGPT supports 95+ languages which include English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, etc.
Google Bard supports 40+ languages which include English, Hindi, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, etc.
Image Generation
ChatGPT can’t generate images
Can generate images
Number of Outputs
Generate one output per query
Generate three outputs for each input query
Coding Proficiency
ChatGPT can generate clearer and cleaner code compared to Google Bard
Google Bard excels in code refactoring
ChatGPT does not access real- time internet.
Real-time access to the internet.

Google Bard vs ChatGPT: A comprehensive comparison

  • Summarizing content for research

    Conducting content from different sources like Wikipedia, articles, and blogs for research is a time-consuming process, so having a tool that can summarize it for you is a considerable advantage. As we know Google is an expert at scanning search results to provide the best results, so it’s no surprise that Bard excels at this task. You only need to provide a link to the article for summary and Bard will handle the rest.
    The free version of ChatGPT can’t summarize the articles from a link and is more limited. It can provide an article with limited characters, so if your article exceeds roughly 3000 words then you need to use ChatGPT Plus to get the desired results.

  • Coding proficiency

    In terms of coding proficiency, ChatGPT produced cleaner code as compared to Google Bard. It is also better in terms of explaining the generated code than Google Bard. However, Google Bart excelled in code refactoring. Google Bard has an advantage because it uses search engine data along with being a Large Language Model (LLM), while ChatGPT is only an LLM during testing. Both ChatGPT and Goggle Bard have their strengths and weaknesses in coding proficiency.

  • User Experience

    ChatGPT and Bard both are very easy to use. Both have a web interface where you enter a query and get an instant response. One big difference between ChatGPT and Bard is how they both keep track of your conversations.
    In ChatGPT they’re stored on the left side of your screen and you can access them anytime and can be deleted anytime. Whereas, in Bard you can’t store and access your past conversations. You can see your history of what you have searched, but can’t restart a conversation like you can with ChatGPT. And Bard also limits the conversation length, if the conversation goes for too long you have to restart it. One feature that Bard has but ChatGPT doesn’t is the “drafts' ' feature. In Bard, you have access to three drafts as a response which makes it easy to review.

  • Providing information on current trends

    One of the most significant differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard is the way they deliver accurate and up-to-date responses. The free version of ChatGPT can only provide the information till September 2021. So, if you need information regarding current trends, you have to go for the premium version (ChatGPT Plus). In comparison, Bard can provide detailed information about current events in real-time.

  • Image Generation

    One of the main differences between Bard AI vs ChatGPT is the ability to include images in their responses. The free version of ChatGPT is limited to text and can only describe images. ChatGPT Plus can generate images using plugins. On the other hand, Bard can access Google image search to provide images.


Google Bard and ChatGPT can browse the web to inform their responses, but Bard lets you do it for free to get this access you must have a Google account or a Google Workspace. ChatGPT has a free and premium version called ChatGPT Plus, which costs $20/month. Premium users can access real-time internet searching features, and get faster responses.
Some of the key differences between ChatGPT vs Bard are mentioned below:

Final Words

In conclusion, the world of digital marketing has been significantly transformed by the integration of AI tools. These innovative technologies empower businesses to streamline their processes, save costs, and enhance the quality of their marketing campaigns. They not only drive results but also provide a competitive edge in the fast-paced world of online marketing. By utilizing the best AI tools for digital marketing, businesses can drive their marketing strategies to new heights, ensuring they stay ahead in the digital race.

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