Best Proven Strategies to Reduce Email Bounce Rate Effectively

In the world of email marketing, maintaining a high deliverability rate is crucial for the success of your campaigns. Email bounce rate refers to the number of emails in a campaign that “bounce” back to you or in simple terms we can say they don’t get delivered to the intended recipient. A high bounce rate impacts engagement negatively which is why it is important to reduce email bounce rate. It is important to closely monitor and proactively manage email bounces to reduce email bounce rate.
There are two different types of email bouncing i.e. soft and hard bounces. There is a small difference between them:
1. Hard bounces: Hard bounces take place when there is a permanent problem such as an invalid email address, a domain name doesn’t exist, when the users use a temporary or fake email address, or when the subscriber’s mailbox is no longer active. To mitigate hard bounces and reduce email bounce rates, Emails can be verified by using various verification tools provided by different individuals. These tools help ensure the validity of email addresses on your list, enhancing the deliverability of your email campaigns.
2. Soft bounces: Soft bounces happen due to many temporary reasons, including issues with the recipient’s server or when the inbox is full.

Measuring Email Bounce Rates: A Step-by-Step Guide:

To calculate the email bounce rate you should have the following figure to calculate the email bounce rate.
Once you’ve collected those figures, apply the subsequent formula: Email bounce rate = (Number of total bounced emails / Total number of emails sent) x 100
Furthermore, a high bounce rate can affect your email deliverability in various ways, such as:
1. Reputation damage: Internet service providers like Gmail and Yahoo! assess sender reputations by monitoring IP addresses that consistently send messages to non-existent email addresses.
2. Blacklisting: High bounce rates can lead to IP addresses being added to email blacklists. These are the reasons why we need to reduce the email bounce rate.

Common Causes of Email Bounce Rates:

  • Invalid Email Address:

    This occurs when the recipient's email address is not valid, causing the email to bounce.

  • Non-Existent Domain:

    Bounces happen when the domain name doesn't exist.

  • Email Server Issues:

    Some recipients' email servers may block email deliveries.

  • Poor IP Reputation:

    Bounces can result from sending emails from an IP address with a bad sending reputation.

  • Spam Content:

    Emails with spam-like elements in the subject or content may be rejected by recipients' email filters.

Different Strategies on How to Reduce Email Bounce Rate:

  • Double your opt-ins

    When aiming to reduce the email bounce rate, it's important to take steps that ensure user engagement and authenticity. A double opt-in sends email authentication to every new user when they sign up and only adds them to your list once they’ve clicked the confirm button in order to ensure that they are a genuine user and not using fake or temporary email addresses.
    When building your email list, it's essential to verify user permission. Consider implementing a double opt-in process, requiring subscribers to confirm their email addresses upon sign-up. This practice allows you to distinguish between verified and unverified users, enabling you to maintain a cleaner email list by removing those who haven't confirmed.

  • Maintain a clean Email list

    Maintaining a clean email list is important to reduce email bounce rates. Regularly clean the email list by removing inactive or unengaged subscribers and also check for invalid email addresses. Using email verification services can help identify and remove bad email addresses from your list to reduce email bounce rates. It ensures that your emails reach the right inbox.

  • Segment Your Email List

    Segmentation is a valuable strategy on how to reduce bounce rate email by allowing you to send relevant content to specific groups of subscribers. Subscribers are more likely to engage with emails that are of interest to them. By sending emails that align with the interests of each segment, you improve your chances of successful email delivery.

how to reduce bounce rate email
how to reduce email bounce rate
  • Avoid Spam Traps

    Falling into spam traps can harm your sender's reputation and increase bounce rates. Be careful when purchasing email lists or using outdated lists. Sending emails to spam traps can lead to your domain being blacklisted. It’s crucial to focus on growing your email list organically to avoid such pitfalls.

  • Making use of a Reliable Email Service Provider (ESP)

    Choosing a reputed ESP can have a significant impact on your email bounce rate. Quality email service providers often ensure that they have built-in tools for list cleaning, email verification, and deliverability monitoring. They can help ensure your email reaches its intended recipient.

  • Create Engaging Content

    Engaging, relevant, and valuable content keeps subscribers interested and less likely to mark your emails as spam. When recipients find your emails useful, they are more likely to confirm their email addresses and continue engaging with your brand.

  • Email Authentication

    Authenticating your email is crucial for many reasons. First, email authentication will positively affect the delivery rates of your emails and will reduce email bounce rates. there are various verification tools to verify your email address which provides insights into whether the email address is valid or not.


Email bounce rates are crucial in order to reduce email bounce rate and achieve successful email marketing. High bounce rates can negatively impact your sender’s reputation and email deliverability. By implementing the strategies mentioned in this guide, you can maintain a clean and engaged subscriber list, resulting in more of your emails reaching their intended recipients. To ensure the success of your email marketing campaigns, it’s crucial to remain proactive, maintain list hygiene, and consistently provide valuable content to your subscribers.

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